Vivos DNA Appliance

How Does It Work?
The DNA appliance expands the palate (roof of mouth) by stimulating bone growth. This creates space for proper tooth alignment, increases airway volume, and makes room for proper positioning of the tongue.
How Can It Improve Your Health?
Helps decrease or eliminate snoring, sleeping issues, daytime sleepiness, tooth crowding, mouth breathing, headaches/migraines, and TMJ pain/discomfort (all precursors to chronic health issues). For adolescents, teens, and adults.
Vivos mRNA Appliance
How Does It Work?
The mRNA appliance provides all of the benefits of the DNA appliance but also has a component for the lower jaw. This lower appliance pulls the lower jaw forward (when attached to the upper appliance) and creates a larger airway when worn during sleep.
How Can It Improve Your Health?
Helps decrease or eliminate snoring, sleeping issues, daytime sleepiness, tooth crowding, mouth breathing, headaches/migraines, and TMJ pain/discomfort (all precursors to chronic health issues). FDA approved to treat mild and moderate cases of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. For teens and adults.
Vivos Guides Appliances

How Does It Work?
The Guides Appliances help guide adult teeth into the proper location when they are erupting in a growing child or adolescent. They also help to expand the palate, emphasize proper nasal breathing and tongue placement when worn.
How Can It Improve Your Health?
Helps decrease or eliminate snoring, sleeping issues, daytime sleepiness, tooth crowding, mouth breathing, headaches/migraines, and TMJ pain/discomfort (all precursors to chronic health issues). May help alleviate ADHD type symptoms as well as bed wetting. For children and adolescents.